S’more Love for the Boesen Family – IVF

Created 5 months ago
Fertility Treatments

S’more Love for the Boesen Family – IVF

by Colleen Metz

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  • $6,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 88

    Days to go
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Colleen Metz is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Cassidy Boesen.

Campaign Story

My daughter Cassidy always dreamed of becoming a mom. When asked how many kids she wanted, she screamed, “13!” Her ideal career has always been to be a stay-at-home mom when she grows up, and it still holds true today.

Cassidy was just 20 years old when she found out she was expecting her first child, a daughter when she was viciously attacked by the biological father’s mother. Since then, she went on to have a successful pregnancy, leading to my granddaughter turning 10 in May this year! Now that Cassidy is married to her husband, Mark, they have been trying to conceive for nearly five years, and she is struggling with secondary infertility, miscarriage, endometriosis, hydrosalpinx, and a polyp in her endometrium. Her fertility journey started in 2019 and led to starting IUI treatments in 2020 – both treatments were unsuccessful. The fertility clinic discussed IVF being the best option moving forward for family building due to the diagnoses Cassidy received and not being able to conceive naturally. After years (off and on) of trigger shots, letrozole, clomid, progesterone, and birth control – it has been deemed that without IVF, she will not be able to grow her family.

In 2023, however, she conceived naturally! Unfortunately, she suffered a miscarriage and hasn’t been able to conceive since. Cassidy and Mark would love to grow their family and need your help to do that through IVF treatments. All funds raised will go toward IVF, polyp removal, and fertility medications. Cassidy and Mark found a reputable doctor in the San Antonio metro area and went through the beginning stages of IVF until they lost fertility benefits through Mark’s employer in 2023.

I’ve never met a couple more deserving of good news and to grow their family than my daughter and son-in-law. Please consider donating to their cause and sharing this fundraiser to raise awareness.

Cassidy and Mark got married in 2022, and that same year, Mark adopted Cassidy’s daughter through stepparent adoption. Now, Cassidy and Mark have two daughters of the same age but come from previous relationships. Cassidy loves being a mom to her daughter and (step)daughter and truly embraces motherhood.

*The adoption theme was Roastin’ with the Boesen’s, which was all about S’mores. Their 2023 baby announcement was “S’more Love”, and so it seemed fitting to continue the s’more’s theme with their IVF journey. *